Federal Audit

Federally Mandated Reporting/Disclosure Form

Program Title and Description:

Federal Audit

Schools eligible for Federal funds are required to have independent audits in compliance with guidelines as specified in Circular A-133.

Who is Responsible for Reporting?

Primary Contact
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer Financial Services
Carrington 119 B

Where is Report Physically Located?

CARR 119 B

What Should be Reported?

The reporting package includes:

  • audited financial statements
  • audited Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (student financial assistance programs, grants and contracts)
  • Data Collection Form SF-SAC, and
  • a corrective action plan for any findings.

When Should it be Reported?

Due in December

Where is it to be Reported?

  • The Federal Audit Clearinghouse, and
  • The Department of Education.

Copies of audit reporting packages must be provided to any entity which passes through Federal funds to the University.

Why Should it be Reported?

Reporting is required for the University to be eligible to receive Federal funding for campus-based aid programs and sponsored grants and contracts.

How is it Reported?

If notification is required, how is it reported?